Vacancy on the Board of Directors of the Mi Wuk Sugar Pine Fire Protection District

There is a vacancy on the five member Board Of Directors of the Mi-Wuk Sugar Pine Fire Protection District effective March 1, 2025. The position to be filled is the balance of a 4-year term, which ends on December4, 2026.
Intersted persons should contact the Mi-Wuk Sugar Pine Fire Protection District:
24247 Highway 108, Mi Wuk Village, CA 95346
PO Box 530, Mi Wuk Village, CA 95346
(209) 586-5256 or
The two requirements to be a member of the Board Of Directors are:
- Resident of the District
- Registered to vote within the District
Applications are due by 5:00 PM, April 8, 2025.
Board Vacancy Notice March 2025.pdf