Department Training
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn."Benjamin Franklin

August 2020 - Night Training

July 13, 2020 -Ambulance training with Medic-20

July 13, 2020 -Ambulance training with Medic-20

June 2020 - M.E.R.V Training

June 2020 - Testing and Training on new portable water pump

June 2020 - Testing and Training on new portable water pump

June 2020 - Testing and Training on new portable water pump

May 2020: Vehicle Extraction Training

May 2020: Vehicle Extraction Training

May 2020: Vehicle Extraction Training

May 2020: Vehicle Extraction Training

May 2020: Vehicle Extraction Training

May 2020 : Vehicle Extraction Training

May 2020 - Rancheria Fire hosting training at Black Oak Casino facilities

May 2020 - Rancheria Fire hosting training at Black Oak Casino facilities

May 2020 - Rancheria Fire hosting training at Black Oak Casino facilities

May 2020 - Rancheria Fire hosting training at Black Oak Casino facilities

April 2020 Wildland Training

April 2020 -Wildland Training

April 2020 Structure Training

April 2020 Structure Training

April 2020: Medical Response Training

April 2020: Search and Rescue Training

April 2020: Search and Rescue Training

April 2020: Search and Rescue Training

April 2020 - Vehicle Extraction Training
April 2020: Hose Training

March 2020: Training burn to learn about fire behavior, hoseline and fire stream applications, building construction, command and control at fire scenes, and many other valuable topics.

March 2020: Training burn to learn about fire behavior, hoseline and fire stream applications, building construction, command and control at fire scenes, and many other valuable topics.

March 2020: Training burn to learn about fire behavior, hoseline and fire stream applications, building construction, command and control at fire scenes, and many other valuable topics.

March 2020: Training burn to learn about fire behavior, hoseline and fire stream applications, building construction, command and control at fire scenes, and many other valuable topics.

March 2020: Training burn to learn about fire behavior, hoseline and fire stream applications, building construction, command and control at fire scenes, and many other valuable topics.

March 2020: Training burn to learn about fire behavior, hoseline and fire stream applications, building construction, command and control at fire scenes, and many other valuable topics.

April 2019: Wildland Training

April 2019: Wildland Training

April 2019: Training with our "Water Warrior" Tender

April 2019: Training with our "Water Warrior" Tender

April 2019: Training with our "Water Warrior" Tender

April 2019: Training with our "Water Warrior" Tender

April 2019: Training with our "Water Warrior" Tender

March 2019: Members of the MWSPFPD attending the 2019 EMT training class hosted at the Twain Harte Station along with fellow firefighters from thoughout Toulumne County

March 2019: Members of the MWSPFPD attending the 2019 EMT training class hosted at the Twain Harte Station along with fellow firefighters from thoughout Toulumne County

April 2019: Wildland Training

April 2019: Wildland Training

April 2019: Wildland Training
Building Attack Training
Building Attack Training
Building Attack Training
Building Attack Training

April 2019: Automobile incident Training

April 2019: Automobile incident Training

April 2019: Automobile incident Training

April 2019: Automobile incident Training

April 2019: Automobile incident Training

Hose Training
Extraction Training

May 2020 -Carrie Blake facilitating Staff Development Training.

May 2020 -Carrie Blake facilitating Staff Development Training.

May 2020 -Carrie Blake facilitating Staff Development Training.

May 2020 -Carrie Blake facilitating Staff Development Training.

May 2020 -Carrie Blake facilitating Staff Development Training.

May 2020 -Carrie Blake facilitating Staff Development Training.

May 2020 -Carrie Blake facilitating Staff Development Training.

May 2020 -Carrie Blake facilitating Staff Development Training.

May 2020 -Carrie Blake facilitating Staff Development Training.

August 2020 - Night Training

September 2020 - Working with the Heletac team at Bald Mountain

September 2020 - Working with the Heletac team at Bald Mountain

April 2021