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65 Years Strong!

Dear Members of the Mi Wuk/Sugar Pine Community,

As the Fire Chief of the Mi Wuk/Sugar Pine Fire Protection District, it is with immense gratitude and a deep sense of pride that I write this letter to thank you for your unwavering support over the past 65 years. It’s hard to believe that in January of this year, we have been your Fire Protection District for 65 years!  Your steadfast commitment to our District has been the cornerstone of our success, enabling us to serve and protect this wonderful community with dedication and excellence.

Over the decades, we have witnessed significant changes and challenges, but one constant has been your unwavering trust and support. Whether it was through community initiatives, fundraisers, or simply your kind words of encouragement, you have always been there for us. It is this strong bond between the District and this community that has empowered us to continually improve and adapt, ensuring the safety and well-being of our residents and visitors to our community.

I also want to take this opportunity to express my personal gratitude for allowing me the honor of serving as your Fire Chief. Leading this team of dedicated and caring firefighters has been the privilege of a lifetime. Each day, I am inspired by their courage, commitment, and professionalism. Together, we have faced many emergencies, and together, we have made a difference.  I am also humbled to stand on the backs of previous Fire Chiefs and firefighters, especially Fire Chief Ernie Schupp who was the first Fire Chief of this District.  And, I am incredibly grateful to the many women and men who have been a part of the Mi Wuk/Sugar Pine Fire Protection District Auxiliary.  The Auxiliary has been a true partner to us since 1965, raising funds and purchasing equipment, tools, PPE, etc. for us.    Truly, without the dedication, sacrifices and commitment of past chiefs and firefighters and the past and current Auxiliary members, this District would not be where it is today.  

Your financial support has been instrumental in our ability to purchase new engines, personal protective equipment (PPE), and additional tools essential for our operations. These investments have significantly enhanced our capabilities and ensured that our firefighters are well-equipped to handle any emergency. Moreover, your contributions have allowed us to fund critical renovations to our facilities, creating a safer and more efficient environment for our team.

I have been working hard with the Fire Board to create a new 6-year Capital Improvement Plan, and I look forward to the opportunity to share that with you at an upcoming Board meeting.  There are so many things we need to do in the long term to ensure our Fire Protection District can continue to serve you to the level we serve you now.  I hope you will be pleased with what you see and will rally behind us to make all of the projects in the plan come to fruition.  

As we look to the future, I am confident that our Fire District will continue to thrive, thanks to the enduring partnership we share with you. We are committed to advancing our skills, enhancing our services, and remaining ever-vigilant in our mission to protect and serve.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for 65 years of trust, support, and collaboration. Here’s to many more years of working together to keep our community safe and strong.

With deepest appreciation,

James Klyn (your fire chief)